Monthly Archives - March 2022

Project Manager Value to Company

When hiring a Project Manager sometimes the value adds that an experienced PM brings to the organization can be overlooked. Often titles that state that a Project Manager is required was meant to have a more relevant technical resource. For hiring managers to understand the basic capture of what an experienced Project Manager should be offering, the below is a snapshot of some additional capabilities that come along with best practices and experience. Remember with this experience and add value there...

Proper Resource Alignment to Roles

Often, I hear "The definition of insanity is repeating the same mistakes over and over again and expecting different results," but this is not true and why someone would say something that is not true escapes me.  On the other hand, "perseveration" is "the repetition or continuation of a response in the absence of an ongoing occasion or rationale for that behavior or emotion", basically not a well thought out plan and one that continues even after it is recognized as not...